Changes have recently gone or are about to go into effect that may impact your website’s visitation.  In May, the European Union began enforcing regulations on how their citizens’ personal data is collected and in July, Google Chrome will begin flagging sites that do not have an SSL certificate. Have you taken the steps you need to become compliant? 


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

In May, the European Union (EU) began enforcing the most stringent regulations to date on how EU citizens' personal data is lawfully collected, processed and stored.  If you do business with, or see website traffic from, EU nations, this regulation will affect you.  Learn more about it here.


Google Chrome/HTTPS:

Google Chrome's browser will begin flagging your website as insecure if it doesn't have an SSL certificate. In other words, if your site still says http:// instead of https://, a good chunk of your users may not get to your site. Virginia Tourism Corporation has put together a quick guide for how to get your site in compliance. Read more here.