Tourism & Travel Statistics

Tourism is a proven economic development strategy for Fairfax County, bringing in over $3.3 billion annually. Visit Fairfax is a non-profit Destination Marketing Organization working to bring visitors to our great community. Our mission is to enhance economic and social growth in Fairfax County and Northern Virginia through travel and tourism. Based on principles of partnership, cooperation, and mutually beneficial alliances, our program of work is managed by objectives and is accountable for tangible, measurable results ensuring a significant return-on-investment.

Take a moment to look at this chart to understand how travel dollars support America: The Power of Travel

Billions in Economic Impact

Total tourism spending in Fairfax County for 2022 reached approximately $3.3 billion.

Within the entire Commonwealth of Virginia, Fairfax County is the #3 contributor of expenditures to Virginia's tourism industry.

Thousands of Jobs

In 2022 visitors to Fairfax County directly supported approximately 22,000 local jobs. While the majority of these jobs were in the leisure and hospitality industries - accommodations, food service, arts, entertainment, and recreation - tourism impacts a multitude of businesses and crosses numerous industries. These local tourism jobs have combined earnings of $1 billion.

Tourism in Virginia

Tourism has a huge economic impact in the Commonwealth of Virginia. In 2022, millions of visitors traveled to and around Virginia, bringing in more than $46.1 billion. 210,721 jobs were supported directly by travel spending, with earnings of more than $2.9 billion in state and local taxes generated. You can download the 2022 Economic Impact of Visitors To Virginia report here

National Overview

Nationwide, the U.S. travel industry directly supports nearly 15 million people, produced $2.8 trillion in economic output, and generated state and local tax revenues of about $89 billion. Direct travel expenditures within the United States totaled $1.3 trillion in 2023. You can download the 2023 Economic Impact of the U.S. Travel Industry (U.S. Travel Association) here


*The numbers and statistics used here can be found at US Travel Association, and Virginia Tourism Industry, Data from 2022 and 2023.