Want to be featured on FXVA.com this spring? We’re looking for special offers related to our spring marketing efforts: Cirque du Soleil, Birding, Rolling Thunder/Ride of the Patriots, MLB All-Star Game, Craft Beer, and LoveShare.
This spring, we are directing a portion of our marketing outreach to several specific events/visitor experiences. We want you to benefit from our marketing efforts. We will showcase your business at NO COST through any special offer or deal that relates to the following events and/or visitor experiences. You may submit multiple offers at any time during these events. Questions? Contact Ali Morris at amorris@fxva.com.
- Cirque du Soleil (Event takes place April - May)
- See current offerings: www.FXVA.com/luzia
- Rolling Thunder/Ride of the Patriots (Event takes place Memorial Day Weekend/May)
- See current offerings: www.FXVA.com/events/rolling-thunder
- Birding (spring season - April - June)
- See current offerings: www.FXVA.com/birding
- LoveShare (anytime)
- Offers can be submitted here, as well: www.FXVA.com/lovesharepartner)
- MLB All-Star Game (Event takes place July)
- Craft Beer (anytime)
Submit your offers related to these categories either through the Partner Extranet, by sending us an e-mail, or by giving us a call to talk it over (703-752-9506). We look forward to helping promote your business!